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About We the People

The We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Program promotes civic competence and responsibility
among the nation’s upper elementary and secondary students. The We the People printed textbook's and Enhanced
Ebook's interactive strategies, relevant content and the simulated congressional hearing make teaching and learning
exciting for both students and teachers. The program enjoys active support from state bar associations and foundations, and other educational, professional, business, and community organizations across the nation. Since its inception in 1987, more than 28 million students and 75,000 educators have participated in the We the People Program.

Our Team

California We the People and Project Citizen programs have been going strong since 1987.  Volunteers all over the state assist teachers and students in both curriculum and professional development.  To locate someone in your area contact state coordinator, Terri Richmond

We the People: Level 1

This text is designed for 5th graders.  Students work through five units of study focused on national standards.  Materials for the culminating simulated congressional hearing are included. 

We the People: Level 2

This text is designed for 8th graders. Students work through six units of study focused on founding principles and modern connections.  Materials for the culminating simulated congressional hearings are included.

We the People: Level 3

This text is designed for 12th graders.  Students work through six units of study focused on founding principles, rights, institutions and the role of citizens.  Materials for the culminating simulated congressional hearings are included.

Project Citizen

This stand alone curriculum teaches students about the way public policy is developed. Students identify, research, and attempt to find solutions for relevant,  local, real-world issues. Adapts to any grade or service group.

We the People Ebook
This Ebook is cloud accessible and works on mobile devices. Free trial subscriptions are available.  Go to for more information



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